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Peril at Sea and Salvage: A Guide for Masters

Sixth Edition

£170 In stock

A standard reference for Masters for forty years, the sixth edition of Peril at Sea and Salvage: A Guide for Masters reflects major changes that have taken place in the shipping industry since the last edition was published. It outlines the actions a Master should take when confronted with an emergency: from the initial assessment and immediate actions, through to towage or salvage arrangements, as may be necessary. It also explains the importance of prompt notification to relevant parties, particularly coastal States and the company. A section is included with recommendations for a company’s shore-based personnel.

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International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)

Sixth Edition

£420 In stock

Effective management of health, safety and environmental protection is critical to the tanker industry. This Sixth Edition of ISGOTT has been revised and updated by industry experts to provide essential guidance on current technology, best practice and legislation. It remains the definitive reference for the safe operation of oil tankers and the marine terminals they visit.

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Guidance for the Preparation and Implementation of Garbage Management Plans

Second Edition

£75 In stock

The ICS Garbage Management Plans is intended to assist shipping companies to comply with the latest requirements of IMO MARPOL Annex V (regarding treatment and disposal of garbage) and applicable ISM requirements. The second edition provides updated advice on requirements for ships to prepare and implement Garbage Management Plans, in line with some important IMO amendments which entered into force globally 2013, 2017 and in 2018. A copy should be carried on every ship.

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Personal Training and Service Record Book

Second Edition

£15 In stock

The second edition of this Record Book takes into account the entry into force of the ILO MLC and the STCW 2010 amendments. This Record Book will assist companies maintain documentation and data relevant to seafarers employed on their ships, including their experience, training, medical fitness and competency in assigned duties. Seafarers can use the book to keep their own personal records of seagoing service, experience, qualifications and participation in drills and exercises on board ships. 

The Personal Training and Service Record Book enables qualified seafarers to maintain records of all STCW related training, and demonstrate competence to Port State Control inspectors or when seeking to re-validate qualifications.

The Personal Training and Service Record Book is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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