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Showing 12-16 of 35 results

Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention

Fourth Edition

£135 In stock

The fourth edition of Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention sets out the obligations for shipping companies and includes guidance on how to ensure compliance on board. 

This guide will help readers:

- Comply with regulations.

- Avoid lengthy delays at port for non-conformances.

- Know exactly what training crews need to work on board.

- Understand how the STCW works with other IMO and ILO regulations.

- Be completely up to date on the latest regulations.

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Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping

First Edition

£140 In stock

The ICS Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping has been developed to create awareness and inspire change in the strategies, policies and practices that will enable the maritime industry to meet the needs of the diverse seafarer community. 

It provides descriptions and definitions; provides ways to assess the current needs of diverse communities and identify gaps in services, policies and practice; and makes suggestions on how to fill these gaps. 

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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide to IMO Regulatory Compliance

First Edition

£150 In stock

This ICS publication guides readers through the first step on the route to decarbonisation: preparing for compliance with the IMO regulatory framework, and in particular, the 2021 amendments to MARPOL Annex VI.

It sets out plainly what the key regulatory changes are for shipowners, operators and managers. It explains in detail the full range of additional technical and operational requirements which ships must now comply with.

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Biofouling, Biosecurity and Hull Cleaning

£135 In stock

This publication describes the various types of biofouling and the problems it can cause for ship operation and the marine environment. It examines the use of anti-fouling systems to prevent the build-up of biofouling as well as the options available for ship cleaning. It also sets out biofouling legislation and guidelines. The book includes data sheets for a number of hull cleaning companies worldwide.

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