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Global Health Emergency Guide: Helping Shipping Companies Prepare, Act and Recover

First Edition

£180 In stock

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The ICS Global Health Emergency Guide: Helping Shipping Companies Prepare, Act and Recover provides a comprehensive and practical framework for shipping companies to get ahead and prepare for any future global health emergency. Each part (before, during and after) comes with a handy toolkit of more than 30 checklists, posters, templates and forms to help companies practically implement these protocols into their safety management system and deliver on their crisis management plan in the event of an outbreak.

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Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code

Sixth Edition

£170 In stock

ISM-related deficiencies are in the top three most-reported deficiencies by port state control authorities globally.  The ICS Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code helps shipping companies comply with the code and provides practical guidance for designated persons ashore and crew to develop, implement and maintain an effective, user-friendly safety management system. The sixth edition adds a brand new chapter on internal audits, and an enhanced toolkit of checklists and templates. 

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Shipping and the Environment: A Guide to Environmental Compliance

Fifth Edition

£120 In stock

From alternative fuels and propulsion systems, via energy-efficient practices, to digitalisation and efficient logistics, many possibilities are emerging to make the shipping industry a greener industry. Shipping and the Environment gives shipping companies and seafarers a comprehensive entry point into the vast range of regulatory and operational considerations designed to reduce shipping’s environmental footprint. This fifth edition builds on the success of the previous edition, Shipping and the Environment: A Code of Practice, Fourth Edition, which sold more than 10,000 copies. 

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Engine Room Procedures Guide

Second Edition

£180 In stock

The Engine Room Procedures Guide provides authoritative and comprehensive guidance on engine room procedures, to ensure that ships’ engine rooms are operated and managed safely while protecting the environment. A companion to the globally recognised ICS Bridge Procedures Guide, the Engine Room Procedures Guide can be used on all types of merchant ship. The second edition includes the latest safe procedures for handling liquefied natural gas, operating under low loads, enclosed space entry, and preparing for port state inspections. 

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Piracy, Armed Robbery and Conflict at Sea - 2024-25 Edition


£175 In stock

This publication provides advice on current piracy and armed robbery hotspots, as well as conflict regions and areas of increased risk. It includes the latest industry guidelines and advice to aid in the development of Ship Security Plans and also provides useful material for the training of Masters and Ship Security Officers to help achieve mandatory training requirements.

This 2024-2025 edition fully updates and supersedes 'Pirates and Armed Robbers: Guidelines on Prevention for Masters and Ship Security Officers 4th Edition' by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

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Cyber Security Workbook for On Board Ship Use

Fifth Edition

£275 In stock

This practical and easy to understand workbook supports the owner, Master and the ship's crew with cyber security risk management.

It contains comprehensive checklists to assist with the day-to-day management of onboard cyber security and facilitates collaboration between ships, onshore IT departments and equipment manufacturers.

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Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas)

Fourth Edition

£470 In stock

The Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas), fourth edition, is the definitive industry guide to support gas carrier operators conduct safe and efficient operations. This comprehensive guide, a carriage requirement under the national regulations of many flag States, has been fully updated to align with the latest edition of the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT 6)

All content included in this latest edition has been developed and reviewed by senior industry experts with direct experience in the field and has been presented in a user-friendly and modernised format, with a significant upgrade in the visual representation of technical information, including infographics and flow diagrams.

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The Master's Practical Guide to Maritime Law

First Edition

£250 In stock

This first edition of The Master’s Practical Guide to Maritime Law is a comprehensive, easy to follow guide written specifically for Masters.  

When something goes wrong on board, legal issues often arise, and it is the Master’s responsibility to react appropriately. This guide bridges the gap between theory and practice by exploring practical real-world scenarios commonly encountered by Masters, whether in port or at sea. It offers valuable guidance on how to approach legal issues effectively, highlighting best practices, and providing expert advice on managing legal risks with particular emphasis on the commercial aspects that form a significant part of every Master’s responsibilities on board.

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Ship Recycling Guide

First Edition

£130 In stock

This comprehensive ship recycling guide is designed to equip shipowners and crew with the necessary knowledge to ensure a safe and sustainable recycling process when the ship reaches the end of its life. It covers everything from the development and maintenance of the inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) while the ship is in service, through to preparing the ship for recycling and the sale of the ship. 

With practical advice and guidance, this guide will help readers:

  • Navigate the complexities of maintaining the IHM throughout the ship’s life;
  • Comply with the requirements of the Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships (which enters into force in 2025);
  • Prepare a ship for recycling; and
  • Make informed decisions that benefit both operations and the environment.

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Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention

Fourth Edition

£150 In stock

More than ten years have passed since the entry into force of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), which is now strictly enforced on a global basis and subject to Port State Control inspection. 

This comprehensive and definitive guide to the MLC provides practical guidance on the convention to ensure readers are prepared for the regulatory changes that will affect them.

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Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse On Board Ship

2023 - 2024 Edition

£195 In stock

This publication provides guidance on how to combat drug trafficking at sea and to recognise the signs of drug use and dependence among crew members.

Considered the leading industry publication on the topic, this 2023 - 2024 edition has been fully updated by industry experts to assist shipping companies, Masters and officers, to help prepare, prevent, protect and how to respond when faced with drug trafficking and drug abuse at sea.

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International Medical Guide for Seafarers and Fishers

First Edition

£225 In stock

Recommended by:

  • Panama Maritime Authority
  • Republic of the Marshall Islands Registry
  • The Bahamas Maritime Authority

This modern and practical medical guide from ICS has been written and reviewed by an international group of maritime medical practitioners and experts with many years' experience of working with and training seafarers and fishers. It can be used on board all ships and fishing vessels, anywhere in the world, and in onshore safety departments, medical assistance centres and training institutions who support seafarers and fishers. 

The International Medical Guide for Seafarers and Fishers is: 

1. International and applicable globally

2. Comprehensive and up-to-date 

3. Practical and user-friendly 

Featuring a foreword from Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and written in collaboration with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and International Maritime Health Association (IMHA). 

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Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention

Fourth Edition

£135 In stock

The fourth edition of Guidelines on the IMO STCW Convention sets out the obligations for shipping companies and includes guidance on how to ensure compliance on board. 

This guide will help readers:

- Comply with regulations.

- Avoid lengthy delays at port for non-conformances.

- Know exactly what training crews need to work on board.

- Understand how the STCW works with other IMO and ILO regulations.

- Be completely up to date on the latest regulations.

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Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping

First Edition

£140 In stock

The ICS Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping has been developed to create awareness and inspire change in the strategies, policies and practices that will enable the maritime industry to meet the needs of the diverse seafarer community. 

It provides descriptions and definitions; provides ways to assess the current needs of diverse communities and identify gaps in services, policies and practice; and makes suggestions on how to fill these gaps. 

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Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide to IMO Regulatory Compliance

First Edition

£150 In stock

This ICS publication guides readers through the first step on the route to decarbonisation: preparing for compliance with the IMO regulatory framework, and in particular, the 2021 amendments to MARPOL Annex VI.

It sets out plainly what the key regulatory changes are for shipowners, operators and managers. It explains in detail the full range of additional technical and operational requirements which ships must now comply with.

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Biofouling, Biosecurity and Hull Cleaning

£135 In stock

This publication describes the various types of biofouling and the problems it can cause for ship operation and the marine environment. It examines the use of anti-fouling systems to prevent the build-up of biofouling as well as the options available for ship cleaning. It also sets out biofouling legislation and guidelines. The book includes data sheets for a number of hull cleaning companies worldwide.

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On Board Training Record Book for Electro-Technical Officers (ETO Cadets)

First Edition

£35 In stock

This Record Book helps shipowners and managers ensure compliance with international regulations and helps ETO cadets understand the training required to develop their skills and competencies. It can also be used by training academies, administrations and insurers as a universal and standard approach to tracking ETO cadet training and career development.

This Record Book can be used by trainees to provide documentary evidence to government appointed assessors of having completed a structured training programme in accordance with STCW 2010 and provides employers with the confidence that cadets are developing the correct knowledge needed to be successful in the role. 

The On Board Training Record Book for Electro-Technical Officers (ETO Cadets) is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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Bridge Procedures Guide

Sixth Edition

£160 In stock

For over 40 years, this bestselling Guide has reflected and defined current best practice on the bridges of merchant ships operating in all sectors and trades. Now in its sixth edition, it is widely acknowledged as the leading industry guidance on safe bridge procedures and is a recommended carriage on all vessels by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 

Thoroughly revised and updated to be relevant to today’s international shipping landscape, the new edition provides clear guidance on best practice approaches to watchkeeping that make safe and effective use of modern technology, and embrace internationally agreed standards and recommendations adopted by the IMO.

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Seafarer Workforce Report

2021 Edition

£150 In stock

The Seafarer Workforce Report (previously known as the Manpower Report) is the industry standard resource for those seeking the market intelligence needed to develop crewing and training strategies fit for the future.

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Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations

Fifth Edition

£160 In stock

The ICS Guide is the industry standard best practice guide for shipping companies, ships’ crew and helicopter operators. Written for both those in the air and at sea, it helps all those involved in these operations become familiar with the important technical aspects of these complex operations.

The fifth edition provides the latest guidance from industry experts in both the maritime and aviation sectors on standardised procedures and facilities for helicopter/ship operations worldwide, and encourages safe and efficient performance in the field. This Guide should be carried on board every ship and should be accessible to ships’ Masters, officers and crew, helicopter pilots and operators.

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Training Record Book for Ships’ Cooks

First Edition

£35 In stock

The Training Record Book for Ships’ Cooks help ships’ cooks demonstrate competency and record their training experience as they develop their careers. It is based on the International Labour Organization (ILO) Guidelines on the training of ships’ cooks, which implements the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) Regulation 3.2.

Covering both practical and safety skills, the Training Record Book for Ships’ Cooks can be used by an individual to demonstrate that they have followed a structured training programme and understand the core competencies required to safely prepare nutritious and appropriate food during a voyage.

The Training Record Book for Ships’ Cooks is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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Maritime Security: A Comprehensive Guide for Shipowners, Seafarers and Administrations

First Edition

£180 In stock

This Guide provides a comprehensive guide to maritime security, setting out clearly the security threats, statutory requirements and guidance on how to conduct a thorough threat assessment for a voyage. A model ship security plan is also provided along with guidance on how to complete it. 

This first edition title replaces two previous publications: Maritime Security: Guidance for Ship Operators on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (2003) and Model Ship Security Plan (2003).

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Protectionism in Maritime Economies Study: Full Report (Ebook only)

First Edition

£360 In stock

A global trade study which outlines the protectionist trade policies being implemented by governments worldwide.

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Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals)

Fifth Edition

£450 In stock

This Guide provides chemical tanker operators and crew with up-to-date best practice guidance for safe and pollution-free operations on chemical tankers and oil tankers carrying chemical cargoes in accordance with MARPOL Annex II.

The fifth edition contains new guidance on key safety issues and operations, is aligned with ISGOTT: International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, Sixth Edition and provides new and improved ship/shore safety checklists. It should be carried on all chemical tankers and should be readily accessible by anyone involved in the carriage of chemicals on ships, including ship operators, cargo interests, training institutes and terminal operators.

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Peril at Sea and Salvage: A Guide for Masters

Sixth Edition

£170 In stock

A standard reference for Masters for forty years, the sixth edition of Peril at Sea and Salvage: A Guide for Masters reflects major changes that have taken place in the shipping industry since the last edition was published. It outlines the actions a Master should take when confronted with an emergency: from the initial assessment and immediate actions, through to towage or salvage arrangements, as may be necessary. It also explains the importance of prompt notification to relevant parties, particularly coastal States and the company. A section is included with recommendations for a company’s shore-based personnel.

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International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)

Sixth Edition

£420 In stock

Effective management of health, safety and environmental protection is critical to the tanker industry. This Sixth Edition of ISGOTT has been revised and updated by industry experts to provide essential guidance on current technology, best practice and legislation. It remains the definitive reference for the safe operation of oil tankers and the marine terminals they visit.

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Guidance for the Preparation and Implementation of Garbage Management Plans

Second Edition

£75 In stock

The ICS Garbage Management Plans is intended to assist shipping companies to comply with the latest requirements of IMO MARPOL Annex V (regarding treatment and disposal of garbage) and applicable ISM requirements. The second edition provides updated advice on requirements for ships to prepare and implement Garbage Management Plans, in line with some important IMO amendments which entered into force globally 2013, 2017 and in 2018. A copy should be carried on every ship.

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Personal Training and Service Record Book

Second Edition

£15 In stock

The second edition of this Record Book takes into account the entry into force of the ILO MLC and the STCW 2010 amendments. This Record Book will assist companies maintain documentation and data relevant to seafarers employed on their ships, including their experience, training, medical fitness and competency in assigned duties. Seafarers can use the book to keep their own personal records of seagoing service, experience, qualifications and participation in drills and exercises on board ships. 

The Personal Training and Service Record Book enables qualified seafarers to maintain records of all STCW related training, and demonstrate competence to Port State Control inspectors or when seeking to re-validate qualifications.

The Personal Training and Service Record Book is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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Ship to Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gas

Fifth Edition

£300 In stock

The Guide provides advice for Masters, Marine Superintendents and others, such as STS service providers and transfer organisers, involved in the planning and execution of STS operations. Particular attention is given to the effective planning of operations and aspects including risk assessment, ship compatibility, and the management of workloads to minimise fatigue.

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On Board Training Record Book for Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch (Engine Cadets)

Third Edition

£35 In stock

To help employers ensure compliance, ICS has updated its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Engine Cadets (Trainee Officer), to take account of the amended competence requirements in STCW 2010, which entered into force in January 2012. 

This revised Record Book takes full account of the new competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010, such as the application of leadership and team working skills and proactive measures to protect the marine environment. The training tasks included have been developed to ensure that cadets make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether cadets are competent.

The On Board Training Record Book for Officers in Charge of an Engineering Watch (Engine Cadets) is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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On Board Training Record Book for Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch (Deck Cadets)

Third Edition

£35 In stock

To help employers ensure compliance, ICS has updated its widely used On Board Training Record Book for  Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch (Deck Cadets), to take account of the amended competence requirements in STCW 2010, which entered into force in January 2012. 

This revised Book takes full account of the competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010, such as the use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), application of leadership and team working skills and proactive measures to protect the marine environment. The training tasks included have been developed to ensure that cadets make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether cadets are competent.

The On Board Training Record Book for Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch (Deck Cadets) is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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On Board Training Record Book for Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch and Ratings Qualifying as Able Seafarer Engine

Second Edition

£30 In stock

To help employers ensure compliance, ICS has updated its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Engine Cadets (Trainee Officer), to take account of the amended competence requirements in STCW 2010, which entered into force in January 2012. 

This revised Record Book takes full account of the new competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010, such as the application of leadership and team working skills and proactive measures to protect the marine environment. The training tasks included have been developed to ensure that cadets make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether cadets are competent.

The On Board Training Record Book for Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch and Ratings Qualifying as Able Seafarer Engine is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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On Board Training Record Book for Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch and Ratings Qualifying As Able Seafarer Deck

Second Edition

£30 In stock

The 2010 amendments to the IMO STCW Convention, which entered into force in 2012, will make it mandatory for trainee deck ratings to use an approved training record book to provide evidence of structured on board training.

To help employers ensure compliance, ICS has updated and expanded its widely used On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings. The revised book takes full account of the competence standards stipulated by STCW 2010 including those adopted for the new grade of Able Seafarer Deck. The training tasks included have been developed to ensure that trainees make the best use of their seagoing service, and to help supervising officers make an objective evaluation of whether trainees are competent. 

The On Board Training Record Book for Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch and Ratings Qualifying As Able Seafarer Deck is available in digital version from MarinePALS.

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Safe Transport of Containers by Sea

Guidelines on Best Practices

First Edition

£75 In stock

These new Guidelines have been published, in co-operation with the World Shipping Council, with a view to minimising the dangers to container ships, their crews, and all personnel involved with containers throughout the transport chain. They have been developed by an expert international industry working group in response to recent incidents involving container ships. The Guidelines recognise the safety responsibilities of ship operators, but also discuss the responsibilities of those involved with the correct packing and stuffing of the cargo into containers, the accurate labelling and declaration of the goods by cargo interests, and the weighing of loaded containers. In addition, they address the safe handling and stowage of containers when they are received by a port facility and are loaded on board a ship, and also cover the maintenance and inspection of the containers themselves.

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Ship/Shore Safety Checklist for Loading or Unloading Dry Bulk Cargo Carriers

£15 In stock

IMO approved ship/shore safety checklist for use by ship and terminal operators, incorporating guidance on completion and an example loading/unloading plan.

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