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211 results for "covid"

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Showing 61 – 70 of 211 results

International Chamber of Shipping welcomes EU moves on COVID-19

The International Chamber of Shipping today welcomed the guidance issued by the European Commission which calls on EU member states, in coordination with the Commission, to designate ports around EU shores for fast-track crew changes, with adequate facilities for seafarers to undertake medical checks, quarantine if required by the country in question, and transport connections onward to their home country.

8 April 2020 Statement

COVID-19 Annex 2 Facilitation letter

ICS ITF letter template for shipping companies manning agents to fill in, certifying that the seafarer should be allowed free passage to travel between their home and their vessel and has participated in a medical screening.

April 2020 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

COVID-19 Annex 1 Cover letter seafarers

Letter template from ICS and ITF as facilitation certificate for International Transport Worker – Seafarer. Certifying that a seafarer should be allowed free passage to travel between their home and their vessel and has participated in a medical screening.

April 2020 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

The COVID-19 pandemic: The crew change crisis

The continuing inability of ship operators to conduct crew changes has been the single greatest operational challenge confronting the global shipping industry since the Second World War.

Current Issue

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Survey and Certification Issues

The ability of flag state authorities to conduct statutory surveys, and for ships (and seafarers) to be issued with required certification to allow them to continue to trade, emerged as a serious issue at the very start of the pandemic.

Current Issue

The Role of Maritime Trade in the Post COVID Recovery – Europe Focus

This webinar provides insights on multilateral trade policy in the post-pandemic world within the context of the European Union. One year on from the publication of the European Commission's Trade Policy Review, calling from Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy, our speakers will examine the importance of maritime transport services to European economies at the regional, national, civil society and industry levels.

15 February 2022 ICS Event