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211 results for "covid"

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Showing 171 – 180 of 211 results

UN Law of the Sea Implementing Agreement 2020

IMO is a UN Specialized Agency and its authority as shipping’s global regulator is ultimately derived from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which provides the fundamental legal framework for the use and protection of the world’s oceans.

Current Issue

Defending the Global Pollution Liability Regime 2020

Ships often operate in difficult sea conditions which present a high degree of physical risk and despite tremendous improvements to the industry’s safety performance, it has not, yet been possible to eradicate, maritime casualties completely.

Current Issue

OECD Digital Taxation Initiative 2020

In March 2019, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched a major public consultation on the development a multilateral digital taxation framework for global application (i.e. not just by OECD nations).

Current Issue

Competition Law Developments 2020

Co-operative shipping agreements between liner shipping companies have existed for over a century. The majority of major trading nations continue to acknowledge the importance of containership operators being permitted to share cargo through Vessel Sharing Agreements (VSA), increasing their service offerings and maximising efficiency in terms of frequency, reliability, quality and price.

Current Issue

ICS, UNHCR and IOM call on States to end humanitarian crisis onboard ship in the Mediterranean

ICS, the International Chamber of Shipping, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are calling for the immediate disembarkation of 27 rescued people trapped onboard a cargo ship. The distraught group, including one child and a pregnant woman, have now been onboard the Maersk Etienne for more than one month.

7 September 2020 Press Release

Annual Review 2020 Chinese edition – 2020 年度报告 – 海上英雄

Chinese translation of the Annual Review 2020. 年度报告 - 海上英雄 《2020年年报》广泛地探讨了ICS在2020年和国际航运领域的工作,包括:应对新冠肺炎疫情对船舶运营的挑战和船员换班困境;航运业在零碳排放方面的努力;打击猖獗的西非海盗和处理持续的地中海移民危机;成功支持IMO 2020硫限量的实施和讨论修改IMO《船舶压载水公约》;捍卫全球污染责任制度;以及推动对《海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》中有关海员培训标准的基本审查。

September 2020 Annual Review | Free