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107 results for "Global Shipping Sector Position Paper - In Support of Free Trade"

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Showing 81 – 90 of 107 results

Shipping Industry Flag State Performance 2021/2022

The Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table brings together data regarding the performance of flag States against specific criteria, including Port State Control (PSC) records, ratification of international conventions and IMO meeting attendance. The 2021/2022 edition is based on the most up-to-date data available as of January 2022.

Current Issue

Fuelling the Fourth Propulsion Revolution: An Opportunity for All – Summary Report

Decarbonisation and the creation of (net) zero carbon fuels presents a significant economic opportunity for shipowners, companies and countries, as fuel producers, importers and exporters. This summary report outlines how shipping will play a fundamental role in delivering these fuels globally and act as an enabler for governments and industries to achieve their climate targets.

May 2022 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

Fuelling the Fourth Propulsion Revolution: An Opportunity for All – Full Report

Decarbonisation and the creation of (net) zero carbon fuels presents a significant economic opportunity for shipowners, companies and countries, as fuel producers, importers and exporters. This report presents new research that demonstrates how shipping will play a fundamental role in delivering these fuels globally and act as an enabler for governments and industries to achieve their climate targets.

May 2022 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

Emanuele Grimaldi named ICS Chairman – Designate

Mr Emanuele Grimaldi, Managing Director of the Grimaldi Group, long serving ICS Board member and immediate Vice Chairman, was named as ICS Chair - Designate following a decision by the ICS Board of Directors at a recent meeting, held 22-23 June.

29 June 2021 Press Release

International Chamber of Shipping comments on the draft report

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is grateful for the opportunity tofollow up its initial remarkson the Competition Policy Review’s April 2014Issues Paperwith further comments on the DraftReport issuedinSeptember 2014.ICS wishes to comment in particular on the Report’s recommendation that Part X of the Competition and Consumer Act (CCA) be repealed and a block exemption process created to be overseen by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

17 November 2014 Submission

UAE rail programme boosts port connectivity

The ambitious development of the UAE National Rail Network or Etihad Railway has reached a milestone with the connection of what is set to be the nation’s largest inland freight terminal, based at the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD).

26 October 2022 Article

ICS Protests at Suez Canal Toll Increases

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) - the principal international trade association for shipowners, representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world merchant fleet – has voiced serious concerns about toll increases just announced by the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), to be implemented on 1 May 2013.

4 February 2013 Press Release