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107 results for "Global Shipping Sector Position Paper - In Support of Free Trade"

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Showing 101 – 107 of 107 results

ICS Letter to the Government of Bangladesh on the Bangladesh Flag Vessel (Protection of Interest) Act of 2019

A letter sent by the International Chamber of Shipping to the Government of Bangladesh regarding the implications of the Bangladesh Flag Vessels (Protection of Interest) Act 2019 and the corresponding Ministry of Shipping Notification (S.R.O. No.- 29-Act/2023) published on 5 February 2023, both of which impose cargo preference provisions for the transportation of Bangladesh cargo by Bangladesh-flagged vessels.

23 August 2023 Submission

ICS Response to the CMA Provisional Decision – Executive Summary (15 Dec 2023)

This submission is made on behalf of ICS, the UK Chamber of Shipping, WSC, and ASA (collectively, the “Associations”), in response to the consultation on the CMA’s provisional decision not to introduce a UK-specific block exemption for liner shipping consortia on expiry of the Retained Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (“Retained CBER”).

15 December 2023 Submission

ICS Releases Latest Flag State Performance Table

The Table provides an annual overview of the performance of the world’s flag states against a number of criteria such as port state control records, ratification of international maritime Conventions and attendance at IMO meetings. The Table is mainly intended to encourage shipowners and operators to maintain an open dialogue with their flag administrations with respect to any improvements that might be necessary.

21 February 2017 Press Release

Recommendations of ICS, WSC, AND ECSA in Respect of Possible Revisions to Article 8 of the UN Model Tax Convention

Recommendations of ICS, WSC and ECSA in respect of the March 10, 2023, note of a Subcommittee (“March 2023 Subcommittee Note”) of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (“UN Tax Committee”) concerning possible revisions to Article 8 (international shipping and air transport) of the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries (“UN Model”).

1 May 2023 Submission

Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2022/2023

This 2022/2023 edition was withdrawn in January 2024 and replaced by the 2023/2024 edition. The purpose of this Flag State Performance Table is to encourage shipowners and operators to examine whether a flag State has sufficient substance before using it and to encourage shipowners and operators to put pressure on their flag Administrations to affect any improvements that might be necessary, especially in relation to safety of life at sea, the protection of the marine environment, and the provision of decent working and living conditions for seafarers.

January 2023 Archive | Free

Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2020/2021

This edition has been withdrawn and replaced by the 2021/2022 edition. Brings together data on the performance of flag States against specific criteria, including Port State Control (PSC) records, ratification of international convention and IMO meeting attendance. It is intended to encourage shipowners to maintain a dialogue with their flag administrations, and help facilitate necessary improvements in the interests of safety, the environment and decent working conditions.

January 2021 Archive | Free

Shipping Industry Flag State Performance Table 2021/2022

This 2021/2022 edition was withdrawn in January 2023 and replaced by the 2022/2023 edition. The purpose of this Flag State Performance Table is; to encourage shipowners and operators to examine whether a flag State has sufficient substance before using it and to encourage shipowners and operators to put pressure on their flag Administrations to affect any improvements that might be necessary, especially in relation to safety of life at sea, the protection of the marine environment, and the provision of decent working and living conditions for seafarers.

January 2022 Archive | Free