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68 results

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Showing 1 – 10 of 68 results

Martin Whitmarsh: Racing to efficiency

Martin Whitmarsh, chairman and co-founder of BAR Technologies, has a career spanning industries including aerospace, competition sailing and he was a leader of a world championship winning Formula 1 team. He speaks to ICS Leadership Insights about the value of innovation and why shipping should embrace it.

26 June 2024 Article

Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi: Shipping’s shared prosperity

Captain Abdulkareem Al Masabi, CEO of ADNOC Logistics & Services, a global energy maritime logistics company based in Abu Dhabi and Chairman of the Emirates Shipping Association, talks about the vital economic role shipping plays in the UAE and plans to grow and remain resilient in the face of change.

18 March 2024 Article

Meet the ICS Publications Technical Writer

Interview with ICS Publications Technical Writer Sarah Lovell sharing insights into how ICS publications are developed and their value to the shipping community

23 February 2024 Article