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Showing 81 – 90 of 115 results

Use Training to Direct the Future of Shipping says ICS Chairman

Manila 15 November 2016: Training acts not only as a career enhancer, but also plays an essential role in the modernisation of the shipping industry as a whole, said Esben Poulsson, Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) today, as he delivered the keynote speech at this year’s Crew Connect Global Conference in Manila.

15 November 2016 Press Release

ICS Pilotage, Towing and Mooring Survey 2016 Now Underway

The role of the pilot in mitigating the potential economic and environmental risk from today's large vessels is one of the most important in maritime safety. In recognition of this, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has embarked upon its first comprehensive survey of pilotage, towing and mooring services provided in ports and terminals around the world.

15 September 2016 Press Release

ICS Launches New Bridge Procedures Guide

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published a new edition of the ICS Bridge Procedures Guide, widely acknowledged as the principal shipping industry guidance on best practice for safe navigation, which is used by seafarers and training institutes worldwide.

1 March 2016 Press Release

STCW 2010 – Employers Need to Be Ready, says ICS

The transitional period for the 2010 amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW 2010) comes to an end on 1 January 2017. To prevent last minute certification ‘logjams’, and potential difficulties during Port State Control inspections next year, it is important that maritime employers liaise closely with maritime administrations, says the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

1 February 2016 Press Release

Bridge Procedures Guide, Fifth Edition

This fifth edition was withdrawn in September 2021 and replaced by the sixth edition. The Bridge Procedures Guide is widely acknowledged as the principal industry guidance on safe bridge procedures, and is used by Masters, watchkeeping officers, companies and training institutions worldwide. The Guide is referenced in the footnotes of several International Maritime Organization (IMO) Conventions.

January 2016 Archive