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1494 results

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Showing 781 – 790 of 1494 results

Safety and Regulation: Lives Lost at Sea

As in all transport sectors, lives are sadly lost as a result of accidents at sea. Disappointingly, there has been a rise in fatal accidents in the last two years, although the loss of life in shipping is in fact relatively modest, and the overall trend is one of reduction in the number of fatalities, which is all the more impressive in view of the growth in the number of ships in the world fleet.

Shipping Fact

Safety and Regulation: Reduction in the Number of Ship Losses

Relatively few ships actually sink at sea. The vast majority of the following "losses" simply refer to ships which are damaged and "written off" by the hull insurers as being beyond economical repair - described by underwriters as "total constructive losses".

Shipping Fact

The Principal Regulations Governing Maritime Safety

The following are the major international shipping conventions, adopted by the International Maritime Organization (and the International Labour Organization) concerning safety and pollution prevention.

Shipping Fact

Treating Ships Ballast Water 2020

Invasive marine organisms carried in ships’ ballast water can wreak havoc on local ecosystems. New mandatory systems to manage the disposal of this water will drastically cut the risk

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