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1494 results

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Showing 771 – 780 of 1494 results

Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea remains the principal security threat faced by the shipping industry. Dozens of seafarers are kidnapped each year, and held for ransom in terrible conditions ashore. ICS believes that piracy can and should be suppressed for the benefit of shipping and the region.

Current Issue

Engaging with China 2020

In November 2019, ICS formally opened its new ICS (China) Liaison Office, in Hong Kong SAR

Current Issue

Shipping and World Trade: World Seaborne Trade

It is difficult to quantify the value of volume of world seaborne trade in monetary terms, as figures for trade estimates are traditionally in terms of tonnes or tonne-miles, and are therefore not comparable with monetary-based statistics for the value of the world economy.

Shipping Fact