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156 results

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Showing 41 – 50 of 156 results

Friend-shoring supports ocean volumes

Demand for shipping is benefiting from a global trend in international relations where nations increase trade with allies, a shift known as friend-shoring.

15 September 2023 News

Professor Lynn Loo: Learning by doing

Professor Lynn Loo, CEO, Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation seeks to accelerate shipping’s green transition with pilots and trials of alternative fuels and technologies

26 July 2023 Article

Barbados blue bond to support marine conservation

The government of Barbados is preparing to pour an extra US$50 million into ocean conservation efforts over the next fifteen years after replacing conventional debt with a Blue Bond.

28 June 2023 News

The Power of People

Melina Travlos, President of the Union of Greek Shipowners, discusses her leadership philosophy of putting people first

26 June 2023 Article