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1494 results

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Showing 421 – 430 of 1494 results

Fuelling the Fourth Propulsion Revolution: An Opportunity for All – Full Report

Decarbonisation and the creation of (net) zero carbon fuels presents a significant economic opportunity for shipowners, companies and countries, as fuel producers, importers and exporters. This report presents new research that demonstrates how shipping will play a fundamental role in delivering these fuels globally and act as an enabler for governments and industries to achieve their climate targets.

May 2022 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

The Perfect Storm: The Impact of COVID-19 on Shipping, Seafarers and Maritime Labour Markets

The devastating impact of the pandemic was unforeseen, but its potential effects were not entirely unexpected and the shipping industry had highlighted these previously, including through submissions to UN fora, following the outbreaks on Ebola, Avian Flu and SARS. The research outlined in this report investigates macro and micro-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the shipping industry and highlights some key lessons learned.

April 2022 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

On Board Training Record Book for Electro-Technical Officers (ETO Cadets)

The On Board Training Record Book for Electro-Technical Officers (ETO Cadets) helps shipowners and managers ensure compliance with international regulations and helps ETO cadets understand the training required to develop their skills and competencies. It can also be used by training academies, administrations and insurers as a universal and standard approach to tracking ETO cadet training and career development.

April 2022 Tools and Workbooks