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Showing 31 – 40 of 464 results

Oman positioning as global green fuel hub

As Oman ramps up production of green hydrogen, ammonia and methanol in pursuit of lofty production targets, the Sultanate is eyeing bunkering as an offtaker for its green fuels.

21 November 2023 News

Vessel orders could outpace green methanol supply

One of the world’s leading methanol suppliers has highlighted a gap between expected production of green methanol, derived from renewable hydrogen and captured carbon, and the number of ships expected to be delivered with capability to use the carbon-neutral fuel.

21 November 2023 News

Global Trade – Supply Chain Risks and Nearshoring – Myth or Reality?

2023 continues to be a year of turmoil in international supply chains. The after-effects of COVID congestion are compounded by geopolitical tension, regional conflict and the subsequent changing trade dynamics of all maritime sectors and trades. Amidst this turmoil, the industry needs to find a way not just to decarbonise, but to do so in an economically efficient way so as to continue to provide food and energy security to countries around the world.

15 November 2023 Event

Unlocking the promise of new nuclear

Nuclear power may be becoming technically viable for commercial shipping, but policy frameworks and perhaps even shipowning business models will also have to change.

23 October 2023 Article

Renewables infrastructure ingredients face shortfall

Supply of core components for renewable energy projects could become a major obstacle to the global energy transition and the availability of green fuels for shipping, according to recent analyses.

23 October 2023 News