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Showing 371 – 380 of 1494 results

ICS Maritime Hub

If you are looking for a Place to Meet, Space to Connect & Room to Explore visit the ICS Maritime Hub

1 September 2022 Press Release

Mark Cameron: Building resilience for a green future

Mark Cameron, Chief Operating Officer, Ardmore Shipping, talks to ICS about plans to ride the current oil and gas tanker market crest while preparing for potential recession and investing in decarbonisation plans

30 August 2022 Article

Biofouling, Biosecurity and Hull Cleaning

This publication describes the various types of biofouling and the problems it can cause for ship operation and the marine environment. It examines the use of anti-fouling systems to prevent the build-up of biofouling as well as the options available for ship cleaning. It also sets out biofouling legislation and guidelines. The book includes data sheets for a number of hull cleaning companies worldwide.

July 2022 Guidelines