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464 results

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Showing 361 – 370 of 464 results

ICS Annual Conference sets the Shipping Agenda

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) will focus clearly on its core agenda this year, with experts from key areas of industry across the board speaking at its 2016 International Shipping Conference, to be held at the British Library on Wednesday 7 September.

25 July 2016 Press Release

Shipowners Reject Proposals for Ships to Pay for EU Ship Recycling Licences

Proposals to compel ships, regardless of flag, to pay for European Union ship recycling licences when calling at EU ports, will undermine efforts by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to improve working and environmental conditions in developing nations, where most ship recycling yards are located.

8 July 2016 Press Release

ICS Elects Esben Poulsson as new Chairman

Meeting in Tokyo today (2 June), the Annual General Meeting of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) elected a new Chairman, Mr Esben Poulsson (Singapore). ICS is the principal international trade association for shipowners, with a membership comprising national shipowners’ associations from 37 countries representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world merchant fleet.

2 June 2016 Press Release

ICS Welcomes Progress on CO2 Reduction by Ships at IMO

Global CO2 data collection system The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has welcomed progress made by the IMO Marine Environment Committee (MEPC) this week (18-22 April) towards the adoption of a global CO2 data collection system.

22 April 2016 Press Release