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Showing 351 – 360 of 464 results

ICS Chairman Sets out Plan for CO2 Reduction by Shipping Sector

The Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping, Esben Poulsson, has set out what the industry would like the International Maritime Organization to achieve as part of its CO2 reduction strategy for the shipping sector.

24 February 2017 Press Release

ICS Applauds IMO Road Map for CO2 Reduction by International Shipping

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has applauded the agreement, last Friday, by the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to develop a comprehensive Road Map for addressing CO2 emissions from international shipping – with initial CO2 reduction commitments to be agreed by IMO by 2018.

31 October 2016 Press Release

Shipping Industry United in Seeking Further Progress on CO2 at Critical IMO Meeting

In advance of next week’s critical meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, the global shipping industry has called on IMO Member States to give serious consideration to a joint industry submission regarding the need for further progress on addressing the sector’s CO2 emissions.

19 October 2016 Press Release

Urgent Need for Governments to Act on Ballast Water Chaos

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) notes Finland’s significant announcement that it has acceded to the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. This suggests that this new regime, to protect local ecosystems from the impacts of invasive species, will enter into force worldwide during September 2017.

8 September 2016 Press Release