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Showing 301 – 310 of 1494 results

Inspection challenges at Black Sea Grain Corridor

The Black Sea Grain Initiative (‘the Initiative’) was recently extended by 120 days to 18 March 2023 under the original conditions, after all parties reached agreement.

14 December 2022 Article

LOF revamp gathering speed

The Lloyds Open Form (LOF) contract for vessel salvage is undergoing a major revamp in response to declining use by the maritime community.

14 December 2022 Article

‘When it matters, shipping speaks as one’: industry-union pact to keep pandemic cooperative spirit alive

Unions representing seafarers and maritime employer groups have come together to sign a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) to take forward the ‘spirit of cooperation’ that marked the shipping industry’s joint efforts throughout the pandemic. The MOU’s signatories are: • ITF – the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) • ICS – the International Chamber of Shipping • IMEC – the International Maritime Employers' Council

7 December 2022 Press Release

ICS signs milestone agreement with the Emirates Shipping Association for enhanced collaboration towards COP28

The International Chamber of Shipping signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Emirates Shipping Association for collaboration towards the UNFCCC Climate Conference COP28 and beyond. ICS will work with the national association of COP28’s host country for the benefit of the shipping sector overall. The UAE is one of the leader’s in the industry’s energy transition and was amongst the first governments to support the Clean Energy Marine Hubs Initiative.

1 December 2022 Press Release