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83 results

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Showing 21 – 30 of 83 results

Carbon capture: a solution out of thin air?

The miracle of carbon capture promises guilt-free use of conventional ship fuel to support shipping’s transition to green alternatives. Does progress on land give cause for hope as operators seek to avoid expensive decarbonisation options?

26 October 2022 Article

International carbon collaboration could reshape shipping markets

Five industries representing more than 50% of global emissions need stronger international collaboration to deliver reductions in line with the Paris Agreement, according to the first report from a new group aiming to reshape major charter markets and accelerate development of green fuels and technologies.

30 September 2022 Article

Seafarer healthcare post-COVID-19

Following the effects of COVID-19 and the crew change crisis there remains an ongoing concern regarding access to in-person and emergency medical care.

8 July 2022 Article

Faith and Burial for Seafarers

Over the last few years and particularly since the start of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic there has been an increase in cases of shipping companies finding it difficult to repatriate the bodies or ashes of deceased seafarers quickly enough, and in accordance with the religious beliefs and customs of both the deceased seafarer and their next of kin. This guide sets out the core considerations for dealing with a death on board and details common burial practices for some of the world's leading religions.

June 2022 Guidelines | Free