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117 results

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Showing 21 – 30 of 117 results

Faith and Burial for Seafarers

Over the last few years and particularly since the start of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic there has been an increase in cases of shipping companies finding it difficult to repatriate the bodies or ashes of deceased seafarers quickly enough, and in accordance with the religious beliefs and customs of both the deceased seafarer and their next of kin. This guide sets out the core considerations for dealing with a death on board and details common burial practices for some of the world's leading religions.

June 2022 Guidelines | Free

The Perfect Storm: The Impact of COVID-19 on Shipping, Seafarers and Maritime Labour Markets

The devastating impact of the pandemic was unforeseen, but its potential effects were not entirely unexpected and the shipping industry had highlighted these previously, including through submissions to UN fora, following the outbreaks on Ebola, Avian Flu and SARS. The research outlined in this report investigates macro and micro-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the shipping industry and highlights some key lessons learned.

April 2022 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Seafarer Shore Leave Principles, Second Edition

This document sets out principles for providing shore leave during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It contains information on the international maritime obligations surrounding the provision of shore leave by state authorities and shipowners, and for seafarers.

April 2022 Guidelines | Free

This is What A Seafarer Looks Like – International Women’s Day 2022

International Chamber of Shipping's International Women's Day campaign #ThisisWhatASeafarerLooksLike was launched on 8th March 2022 to #BreakTheBias of maritime being seen as an industry that is just for men. The video showcases and celebrates the broad roles women fulfil in the maritime sector from cadet to CEO.

March 2022 Multimedia | Free