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Showing 21 – 30 of 37 results

Black Sea Grain Corridor

Following the Russian government’s announcement that it is suspending participation in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, the International Chamber of Shipping, which represents 80% of the world’s merchant fleet, has issued a statement

1 November 2022 Statement

Joint statement from ECSA and ICS on the current situation in the Persian Gulf

Following the seizure of Greek flagged oil tankers “Delta Poseidon” and “Prudent Warrior” on 27 May 2022, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) jointly call for a quick and diplomatic resolution in order for the vessels and crew to be released.

1 June 2022 Statement

International Chamber of Shipping welcomes EU moves on COVID-19

The International Chamber of Shipping today welcomed the guidance issued by the European Commission which calls on EU member states, in coordination with the Commission, to designate ports around EU shores for fast-track crew changes, with adequate facilities for seafarers to undertake medical checks, quarantine if required by the country in question, and transport connections onward to their home country.

8 April 2020 Statement