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G7 Transport Ministers meeting in Milan briefed by ICS Chairman, Emanuele Grimaldi, on Security and Decarbonisation

• The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Chairman, Emanuele Grimaldi, briefed G7 Transport Ministers in Milan, who were meeting to discuss the importance of maritime connectivity, on the sector’s security concerns. • During the meeting the ICS Chairman highlighted the significance of free trade for the global economy and the industry’s green transition. • Notably, Mr Grimaldi emphasised to the G7 Transport Ministers the continued plight of the 25 Galaxy Leader seafarers who are still being held captive by the Houthis.

15 April 2024 Press Release

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Panel

The ICS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Panel was set up by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), as a platform for meaningful discussions and initiatives intended to provide a meaningful boost to the global maritime sector’s DE&I journey. The Panel addresses critical issues and approaches needed to ensure that the future of work in the maritime shipping sector is attractive, including for women and other groups vulnerable to discrimination, and that the sector is able to retain its best talent, including qualified seafarers.


Seafarer wellbeing under threat amid geopolitical conflict

Shipping charities and unions have aired concerns that seafarer’s safety and well-being is being overlooked as they get caught in the crosshairs of geopolitical conflict in the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

21 March 2024 News