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Showing 251 – 260 of 408 results

ICS Chairman Commends China’s Positive Engagement With IMO

The Chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Mr Esben Poulsson, has praised the positive role played by the Chinese Government in supporting the global regulatory framework for merchant shipping provided by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO).

5 December 2017 Press Release

Bunker suppliers must prepare for the death of fossil fuels in shipping

Marine bunker suppliers should anticipate that there may no longer be significant demand for fossil fuels from shipping within as little as 25 years, if not sooner, and that the sector is now on an inevitable trajectory towards a future of zero CO2 emissions.

30 November 2017 Press Release

Tripartite Shipbuilding Forum Agrees on Major Industry Goals

Carbon emissions, safety and cyber security were at the top of the agenda at the annual Tripartite Shipbuilding Forum which attracted more than 100 delegates. At the end of two days of debate it was agreed that the industry needs to design ships differently and be more technologically innovative to reach world climate goals and counter cyber security risks.

27 November 2017 Press Release

ICS & CMI Update Campaign on Maritime Treaty Ratification

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) – whose member national shipowner associations represent over 80% of the world merchant fleet, and the Comité Maritime International (CMI) – the international association for maritime lawyers, have released an updated brochure to promote the importance of governments ratifying international maritime conventions, especially those adopted by the UN IMO.

13 November 2017 Press Release

ICS ‘Deeply Concerned’ by Canadian Legislation that Will Interfere with International Maritime Trade

The Canadian Parliament is giving consideration to legislation that would have the effect of establishing a moratorium on the shipment of crude oil in the waters of Northern British Columbia (Bill C-48: An Act respecting the regulation of vessels that transport crude oil or persistent oil to or from ports or marine installations located along British Columbia’s north coast).

18 October 2017 Press Release

ICS Chairman’s Message for IMO World Maritime Day: Shipping Industry Focused on Serious CO2 Emission Reduction

“The world has great expectations for IMO delivering an ambitious greenhouse gas reduction strategy for the international shipping sector. We are confident that this initial IMO strategy, once adopted next year, will match the goals and philosophy of the Paris Agreement on climate change, while also fully recognising that the sustainable development of the world and its peoples is critically dependent on the continuing smooth flow of global trade, about 90 per cent of which is transported by sea.”

26 September 2017 Press Release