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424 results

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Showing 201 – 210 of 424 results

On Labour Day – #HeroesAtSeaShoutout

Clip raising awareness for the over 400,000 seafarers now being impacted by governments' continued inaction to facilitate crew changes across the world, callling ships to sound their horns on Labour Day 1 May 2020.

April 2020 Multimedia | Free

COVID-19 Annex 1 Cover letter seafarers

Letter template from ICS and ITF as facilitation certificate for International Transport Worker – Seafarer. Certifying that a seafarer should be allowed free passage to travel between their home and their vessel and has participated in a medical screening.

April 2020 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

IATA and ICS: Governments must facilitate ship crew changes

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) are jointly calling on governments to take urgent measures to facilitate crew change flights for seafarers.

15 April 2020 Press Release

International Chamber of Shipping welcomes EU moves on COVID-19

The International Chamber of Shipping today welcomed the guidance issued by the European Commission which calls on EU member states, in coordination with the Commission, to designate ports around EU shores for fast-track crew changes, with adequate facilities for seafarers to undertake medical checks, quarantine if required by the country in question, and transport connections onward to their home country.

8 April 2020 Statement