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Showing 161 – 170 of 1494 results

New initiative to scale low-carbon fuel production adopted by ministers at global energy summit

Energy value chain leaders sound alarm on lack of necessary infrastructure and cross-sectoral alignment to move low-carbon fuels as global demand increases. The Clean Energy Marine Hubs (CEM-Hubs) initiative was established by the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) less than a year after it was first presented at an unprecedented speed for the global body. The cross-sectoral and public-private partnership aims to scale the global low-carbon fuels value chain to ensure transportation infrastructure is in place to link producers and consumers of zero emission fuels across the world.

20 July 2023 Press Release

New Unified Container Inspection & Repair Criteria address contaminating pests

The international supply chain is probably one of the most complex networks man has created, carrying 250 million containers every year. It’s safe and smooth functioning relies on everyone in the chain taking responsibility for the integrity and cleanliness of the container when in their care. To help address this, the revised Unified Container Inspection & Repair Criteria (UCIRC) published by BIC, ICS and WSC now includes inspection criteria for container depots and other container handover facilities to address pest contamination on and in containers.

17 July 2023 Press Release

ICS Publications launches new Ship Recycling Guide as Hong Kong Convention is ratified

The shipping industry is being urged to take notice of the latest amendments to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) detailed in a new publication update from the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), to ensure they comply and can operate and trade globally with their vessels. ICS Publications has published the fourth edition of Guidelines on the Application of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, providing crucial updates to the shipping industry on its mandatory employment standards and best practices, to ensure compliance with the Convention and the obligations of maritime employers which the Convention sets out.

3 July 2023 Press Release

President Marcos Jr uses Shipping Summit to reiterate his directive to prepare seafarers for a decarbonised future

Seafarer summit organised by International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), in collaboration with International Maritime Employers’ Council (IMEC) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation ITF, with the Filipino Shipowners’ Association (FSA), stressed the importance of continuous industry and government collaboration to meet the challenges ahead.

30 June 2023 Press Release