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The COVID-19 pandemic: The crew change crisis

The continuing inability of ship operators to conduct crew changes has been the single greatest operational challenge confronting the global shipping industry since the Second World War.

Current Issue

ICS, UNHCR and IOM call on States to end humanitarian crisis onboard ship in the Mediterranean

ICS, the International Chamber of Shipping, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are calling for the immediate disembarkation of 27 rescued people trapped onboard a cargo ship. The distraught group, including one child and a pregnant woman, have now been onboard the Maersk Etienne for more than one month.

7 September 2020 Press Release

Developments in Maritime Safety 2020

A significant part of ICS resources is dedicated to representing the global industry on a range of complex technical issues covered by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of IMO’s 174 Member States, and its numerous technical Sub Committees and Correspondence Groups.

Current Issue

Migrants in the Mediterranean 2020

Despite the lack of media attention due to COVID-19, the migrant rescue at sea crisis in the Mediterranean is far from over, with tens of thousands of migrants still attempting to make the dangerous sea crossing from Africa to Europe in overcrowded and unseaworthy craft.

Current Issue

Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea remains the principal security threat faced by the shipping industry. Dozens of seafarers are kidnapped each year, and held for ransom in terrible conditions ashore. ICS believes that piracy can and should be suppressed for the benefit of shipping and the region.

Current Issue

Safety and Regulation: Lives Lost at Sea

As in all transport sectors, lives are sadly lost as a result of accidents at sea. Disappointingly, there has been a rise in fatal accidents in the last two years, although the loss of life in shipping is in fact relatively modest, and the overall trend is one of reduction in the number of fatalities, which is all the more impressive in view of the growth in the number of ships in the world fleet.

Shipping Fact

Safety and Regulation: Reduction in the Number of Ship Losses

Relatively few ships actually sink at sea. The vast majority of the following "losses" simply refer to ships which are damaged and "written off" by the hull insurers as being beyond economical repair - described by underwriters as "total constructive losses".

Shipping Fact

The Principal Regulations Governing Maritime Safety

The following are the major international shipping conventions, adopted by the International Maritime Organization (and the International Labour Organization) concerning safety and pollution prevention.

Shipping Fact