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1494 results

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Showing 1371 – 1380 of 1494 results

“Maritime Maisie” Brings Sharp Focus to Shipowners’, Salvors’ and Insurers’ Campaign to Urge Governments to Adopt IMO Places of Refuge Guidelines

Shipowners, Salvors and Insurers – through their respective trade associations – have jointly called for the prompt and proper implementation of international measures to provide a Place of Refuge for stricken vessels, following a series of incidents where casualty vessels have been delayed in accessing a safe harbour.

13 February 2014 Press Release

ICS Board Prepares for Important IMO Meeting

The Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), representing national shipowners’ associations from 35 nations and over 80% of the world merchant fleet, recently met in London.

11 February 2014 Press Release

Prohibition of ocean carrier surcharges in Sri Lanka

CS believes this major policy change would involve inappropriate interference by the Government of Sri Lanka into commercial relationships between ocean carriers and their customers.

15 January 2014 Submission

Lessons identified from Somali Piracy

The ICS paper explains the significant challenges the shipping industry has faced in responding to the crisis in the Indian Ocean during the period 2007-2013.

January 2014 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free

ICS Identifies Lessons from Somali Piracy

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the principal global trade association for shipowners, has issued a paper drawing upon the international shipping industry’s experience of Somali-based piracy during the period 2007 to 2013.

13 January 2014 Press Release