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Showing 1241 – 1250 of 1494 results

ICS Pushing for Balanced Update of York Antwerp Rules

At the Comité Maritime International (CMI) Conference, in New York this week, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) will be pressing to ensure that the proposed revision of the York Antwerp Rules of General Average delivers a clear improvement on the present system and does not touch on fundamental principles.

4 May 2016 Press Release

ICS Welcomes Progress on CO2 Reduction by Ships at IMO

Global CO2 data collection system The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has welcomed progress made by the IMO Marine Environment Committee (MEPC) this week (18-22 April) towards the adoption of a global CO2 data collection system.

22 April 2016 Press Release

ILO Minimum Wage for Seafarers to Stay at $614

The recommended International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Wage for Able Seafarers will remain at its current level of US$ 614 basic pay per month until at least 2018.

11 April 2016 Press Release

ICS Launches New Bridge Procedures Guide

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published a new edition of the ICS Bridge Procedures Guide, widely acknowledged as the principal shipping industry guidance on best practice for safe navigation, which is used by seafarers and training institutes worldwide.

1 March 2016 Press Release