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Showing 1201 – 1210 of 1494 results

Global Shipping Industry Slams European Parliament Proposal to Impose Regional Emissions Trading System

The global trade association for shipowners, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), says that a unilateral decision by the European Union to incorporate international shipping into its regional Emissions Trading System (ETS) will polarise and impede current discussions on additional CO2 reduction measures at the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO).

16 December 2016 Press Release

‘Spot The Hazard’ Safety Posters Issued Throughout the Industry in Drive to Promote Hazard Awareness

As part of a major initiative to promote hazard awareness throughout the shipping industry, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and The Standard Club have issued free safety posters to shipping companies worldwide. The release of the posters marks the final stage of a campaign by the two organisations to promote hazard awareness with a ‘Spot the Hazard’ competition for seafarers.

21 November 2016 Press Release