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ICS Chairman’s Message for IMO World Maritime Day: Shipping Industry Focused on Serious CO2 Emission Reduction

“The world has great expectations for IMO delivering an ambitious greenhouse gas reduction strategy for the international shipping sector. We are confident that this initial IMO strategy, once adopted next year, will match the goals and philosophy of the Paris Agreement on climate change, while also fully recognising that the sustainable development of the world and its peoples is critically dependent on the continuing smooth flow of global trade, about 90 per cent of which is transported by sea.”

26 September 2017 Press Release

Shaping the Future of Shipping: ICS Launches New Brand

New brand identity to better serve ICS's important role as the global trade association for shipowners, representing national shipowners’ associations from 37 countries and over 80% of the world merchant fleet.

13 September 2017 Press Release

Protecting the ocean, committed to CO2 reduction

ICS has produced a brochure for the high-level UN Ocean Conference highlighting the industry’s support for UN Sustainable Development Goals. The ICS commitment to the UN Ocean Conference can be seen here:

August 2017 Reports, Positions and Papers | Free