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1494 results

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Showing 1101 – 1110 of 1494 results

Shipping Industry Launches New Security Resources for World Fleet

International shipping industry organisations, with military support, have launched a new website dedicated to providing comprehensive maritime security guidance to companies and mariners. Launched today, the new website provides security-related guidance produced by the industry as well as links to other useful maritime and military security resources.

28 June 2018 Press Release

Training Requirements for Personnel on Ships Subject to the IGF Code

Provides information and guidance on the special training requirements for personnel on ships subject to the IGF Code. Assists shipowners and operators with preparations for compliance with the International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) and the associated training and certification requirements in the STCW Convention.

June 2018 Guidelines | Free

Carbon Targets for Shipping Can Only Be Met With ‘Zero CO2’ Fuels

The ambitious CO2 reduction targets set by the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the year 2050 can only be delivered with the global rollout of zero CO2 fuels and propulsion systems, says the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

25 May 2018 Press Release