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1494 results

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Showing 1091 – 1100 of 1494 results

EEDI reduction beyond phase 2

Submitted by Liberia, ICS, BIMCO, INTERFERRY, INTERTANKO, CLIA, and IPTA, Marine Environment Protection Committee, 73rd Session, Agenda Item 5, August 2018.

17 August 2018 Submission

MSC 100/44/XX – Industry Counter-Piracy Guidelines

Submitted by ICS, BIMCO, INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO, INTERMANAGER, International Group of P&I Clubs, OCIMF, IFSMA, Maritime Safety Committee, 100th Session , Agenda Item 14, August 2018.

6 August 2018 Submission

IMO Member States must Progress on Key Sulphur Cap Issues at Critical Meeting in July

The shipping industry - as represented by its international trade associations (BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO and WSC) - calls on the Member States of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to make progress on key challenges around the global sulphur cap to avoid compromising safety or unfairly penalising individual ships.

18 July 2018 Press Release