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Showing 101 – 110 of 117 results

ILO Minimum Wage for Seafarers to Stay at $614

The recommended International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Wage for Able Seafarers will remain at its current level of US$ 614 basic pay per month until at least 2018.

11 April 2016 Press Release

ICS Welcomes Progress on ILO Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention

The International Chamber of Shipping, as the Secretariat for the Shipowner Group at the International Labour Organization (ILO), co-ordinated employers’ representatives at the Ad Hoc Tripartite Maritime Committee on the Seafarers’ Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003 (No. 185), held in Geneva from 10 to 12 February 2016.

18 February 2016 Press Release

ICS Co-ordinates Maritime Employers at Important ILO Meeting

The International Chamber of Shipping, as the Secretariat for the Shipowner Group at the International Labour Organization, co-ordinated employers’ representatives from over 20 national shipowners’ associations at the second meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee (STC) for the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, held in Geneva from 8 to 10 February 2016.

11 February 2016 Press Release

Manpower Report 2015 Full Report

This Manpower Report 2015 was withdrawn in June 2021 and replaced by the Seafarer Workforce Report 2021 Edition. A comprehensive report on the global manpower situation in the shipping industry prepared by BIMCO and ICS.

January 2016 Archive

Agreement Reached for Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 to Address Abandonment of Seafarers and Crew Claims

Governments, maritime employer representatives co-ordinated by the International Shipping Federation (ISF) and their counterparts from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) met this week at the International Labour Organization in Geneva for the first meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee (STC) established under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). During the meeting agreement was reached for amendments to the Convention to ensure the provision of financial security systems to assist seafarers in the event of their abandonment and for compensation for seafarers’ contractual claims for death and personal injury.

11 April 2014 Press Release

International Chamber of Shipping Challenges Proposed New Accounting Standards

The global trade association for shipowners, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), has submitted detailed comments to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) on its controversial proposals to overhaul international accounting rules for leases, which could have an impact on contracts used in international shipping, including those governing operational arrangements.

24 September 2013 Press Release

International Chamber of Shipping Meets in London

The Board of Directors of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) representing national shipowners’ associations from the Americas, Asia and Europe met in London last week.

13 September 2013 Press Release