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ICS to push for rapid action on further CO2 reduction

2019 AGM Faroe Islands: Representatives of the world’s national shipowners’ associations met last week in the Faroe Islands to review the priorities of the global shipowners’ association, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

18 June 2019 Press Release

Shipowners’ Global Trade Association Launches Annual Review

In advance of its AGM in the Faroe Islands next week, the global trade association for shipowners, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), has launched its Annual Review 2019, providing in-depth insight into the most pressing issues confronting shipping, which moves about 90% of global trade.

5 June 2019 Press Release

Reviewing the Minimum Wage

A periodic review of ratings’ salaries takes into account the value of the US dollar versus the cost of living in seafarer countries, in an effort to provide a fair wage for the world’s sailors

Current Issue

Changes to the UN Law of the Sea

A UN initiative aimed at regulating fishing, energy and economic activity on the High Seas could have unintended consequences for shipping

Current Issue

Marine insurance issues

Insurers are increasingly engaging with regulatory issues in shipping, as shown by discussions over the 2020 sulphur cap.

Current Issue

Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems, or ‘scrubbers’, offer an attractive alternative to low sulphur fuels but the industry needs to take a global approach based on clear scientific data

Current Issue

CO2 Emission Reporting

An EU initiative to publish ships’ CO2 emissions could have serious economic consequences for the industry without delivering environmental benefits

Current Issue

Competition Law Developments

Anti-trust exemptions for liner shipping companies through Vessel Sharing Agreements (VSAs) bring economic benefits to both shippers and consumers

Current Issue