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On Labour Day – #HeroesAtSeaShoutout

April 2020 Free

Ships, Sound your Horns on Labour Day 1 May 2020, noon 12 pm local time at port!

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[Captain Andre LeGoubin, MNM MA FNI]

I’m proud to be one of over a million seafarers working on approximately 60,000 vessels.

We’re carrying over 90 % of the world’s commercial trade.

[Emmet Morahan, Second Officer]

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are faced with a multitude of challenges.

Changing port regulations, airline flights being grounded as well as being stuck in transit while we travel to and from ships.

[Arstone Aurelio MNI]

Not only we work hard 24/7, we are also worrying about our families.

[Captain Andre LeGoubin, MNM MA FNI]

Like many seafarers, I’m unable to go home, or at least can’t get in, so we just have to carry on.

Next time you go to the store, I hope you’ll give us seafarers are thought.

[ICS Chair Esben Poulsson]

At 1st of May, Labour Day, ships across the world will sound their horns at 12 noon local time to salute our seafarers.

These seafarers are the unsung heroes of global trade and we stand by them during this difficult time. 

We need governments to stand by them, too – and enable crew change!
