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ICS – Empowering Women in the Maritime Community

September 2019 Free

ICS encourages you to think about women in maritime, watch our exciting new animations.

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The shipping industry is at a turning point.

Previous generations considered it dirty and physically demanding and that only men need apply.

Today, shipping is about technology and digitalisation, where new skills and approaches are the currency of success.

At sea or in port we need highly educated employees with intelligence, technological experience and good communication skills to drive this change. We need to capitalise on the entire workforce.

Studies show that women make great leaders.

In many countries women often surpass men as regards their education. And research highlights that a diverse leadership leads to greater profit.

The evidence is clear: Organisations which have inclusive policies and business culture have demonstrated increased profitability, productivity and innovation, and with an enhanced ability to attract talent and keep them.

Women will shape the future of shipping, whether they be captains or cadets, engineers or electricians, hotel or guest staff. As more women join the ranks of the shipping industry, they will act as catalysts for change, creating a more equitable an balanced workforce that delivers real value in a rapidly changing world.

By empowering women we can fuel thriving economies everywhere, spur growth and development, and benefit everyone working in the global maritime community, becoming an employer of choice for all.

Our global industry has to have good people, the right people, that will enable all of us to prosper, and the drive towards safe, clean and sustainable shipping.

To find out how our industry is changing, contact any of the International  Chamber of Shipping’s global network of shipowner associations – and help us shape the future of shipping.