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Event programme

          Shaping the Future of Shipping–Weathering the Storms             Global Trade–Risk and Resilience in an Age of Disruption
  Thursday 13th June, 2024
Grand Quay, Montreal

09:00-09:05     Opening Remarks and Land Acknowledgement

Guy Platten, Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping


09:05-09:15       Welcome Addresses and Opening Keynotes

Welcome on behalf of the International Maritime Community

Emanuele Grimaldi, Chairman, International Chamber of Shipping


Welcome on behalf of the Canadian Maritime Community

Gregg Ruhl, ICS Board Member, Canada and President & CEO, Algoma Central Corporation, Canada


09:15-09:20       Keynote Address

The Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada (by video) 


09:20-10:00       Plenary Panel Session – Global Trade in an Age of Disruption

Global trade is facing unprecedented challenges due to increased geopolitical turbulence, trade barriers, technological advances, climate emergency and long-term uncertainty. Addressing these issues requires collaboration among stakeholders to develop policies and solutions that promote efficiency, sustainability and resilience in global trade and shipping. Hear from our panel of stakeholders how global trade is faring in today’s age of disruption.

Moderator: Mark Robson, Co-Founder and Managing Director, LEAP Strategy Partners, Canada


Scott Brison, Vice Chair, BMO Wealth Management, Canada

Greg Heath, CCO, World Energy GH2, Canada

John Parisella, Member of the Board of the Old Port of Montreal , Business Outreach at National Public Relations

Sonya Read, Director General, Marine Policy, Transport Canada, Canada


10:00-10:45       Plenary Panel Session: Setting the Global Context – Risk and Resilience in an Age of Disruption

Resilience is essential for economic stability and prosperity and is critical in the response to global shocks and pressures including geopolitical events and climate-change-mediated events. Against this backdrop, what is the outlook for global trade in 2025? Hear our distinguished panel of public and private sector leaders examine the status and outlook for global trade and the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Questions for Consideration

  • What threat on the horizon presents the shipping industry with the greatest challenge – think not about the symptoms, but the root causes.
  • What frustrates the shipping industry and prevents or hinders it from addressing or adapting?

Moderator: Mark Robson, Co-Founder and Managing Director, LEAP Strategy Partners, Canada


Gaby Bornheim, Managing Director, Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG, Germany

Bill Johnson, President, World Strategic Forum, USA

Chad Lesch, Senior VP Strategic Projects, Crisis 24, USA

Hamish Norton, President, StarBulk Carriers Corp., USA


10:45-11:15       Networking Break


11:15-12:00       Roundtable 1: Future of Trade Flows – Responding to the Threats

Despite the prevalence of deglobalisation and anti-trade positioning and the stresses imposed on supply ch11ains from trade wars, geopolitical unrest, and the long tail of the pandemic, trade continues to flow. In this session, discover what keeps shipping leaders awake at night and develop strategies for building resilience into the maritime supply chains and delivering long-term growth.

Questions for Consideration

  • How will trade patterns be rebalanced?
  • Where will new markets and alliances be built?
  • How can the twin transitions of digital and green economies be managed effectively to foster supply change resilience?
  • What policy levers are required to support future maritime trade flows?
  • What is the level of industry preparedness?

Moderator: Mark Robson, Co-Founder and Managing Director, LEAP Strategy Partners, Canada


Laura Deegan, Counsel, Miller & Chevallier, USA

Robert Ho, Chairman Fairmont, Shipping, Hong Kong SAR

John Lyras, CEO, Paralos Maritime, Greece

Mike Salthouse, Head, External Affairs,


12:00-13:30    Lunch and Networking Break


13:30-13:45     Results from the 2024 ICS Maritime Barometer Survey

Stuart Neil, Director Strategy and Communications, ICS, UK


13:45-14:15       Future Fuel Choices

Bruce Burrows, President and CEO, Chamber of Marine Commerce, Canada


Audience Vote


14:15-15:00       Roundtable 2: Climate-Mediated Risk and Resilience

The effects of climate change are impacting the prospects for trade and economic development around the world. Frequent extreme weather events are disrupting supply chains and have a significant effect on maritime transport infrastructure including ports. In this session, we will consider the impact of climate change on supply chains and discuss mitigation and adaptation strategies required.

Questions for Consideration

  • What is the impact of extreme weather events on global trade?
  • Should extreme weather be our primary climate-related concern?
  • What are the impacts of rising sea levels, coupled with changes in the global pattern of precipitation?
  • Are stronger trade rules required to meet climate goals?
  • How can the need for anti-competitive legislation be balanced against the need to move swiftly in mitigating climate-mediated shocks?
  • How can economic opportunities from global energy transition be maximised?

Moderator: Mark Robson, Co-Founder and Managing Director, LEAP Strategy Partners, Canada


John Denholm, Chairman and Chief Executive, J. & J. Denholm Ltd, UK

Andreas Enger, CEO, Hoëgh Autoliners, Norway

Rahul Khanna, Global Head, Marine Risk Consulting, Allianz, USA

Patrick Verhoeven, Managing Director, International Association of Ports and Harbors

Metin Düzgit, Managing Director, DSM Gemı Isletmecılıgı A.S., Turkey


15:00-15:40       Panel Discussion: Mitigating Risks and Future-Proofing Fuels

As the world transitions to new low- and zero-emission fuels, new transportation value chains need to be built to move the fuels from produces to users. How can public–private partnerships accelerate the production, transportation and use of low-carbon fuels for the world at scale and de-risk the investments required?

Questions for Consideration

  • What role can your company/organization or sector play in accelerating the transition to new low-carbon marine fuels?
  • What specific fuels is industry looking to secure? Are some fuels being favoured over others?
  • What challenges is your organization facing in transitioning to new fuels/ or getting production projects off the ground?
  • What role can green shipping corridors play in future-proofing fuel availability for shipping?
  • How can initiatives like the Clean Energy Marine hubs increase availability, accelerate pace of deployment and transportation of low-carbon fuels?

Moderator: Paula Vieira, Director General, Environmental Policy, Transport Canada, Canada


Mathew Borys, VP Corporate Development, EverWind Fuels, Canada

David Cummins, Executive Director and President, Blue Sky Maritime Coalition, USA

Allan Gray, CEO, Port of Halifax, Canada


15:40-15:45      Future Fuel Choices

Bruce Burrows, President and CEO, Chamber of Marine Commerce, Canada


Audience Vote


15:45-16:15       Afternoon Networking Break


16:15-16:25       Life After Sea Video


16:30-17:00       The Human Face of Resilience – Panel discussion

With 90% of all good worldwide transported by sea, the world’s two million seafarers are critical to the smooth functioning of global trade. In recent years, the maritime industry has faced a shortage of qualified seafarers, due to an increase in demand, difficulties in attracting and retaining new talent, and concerns surrounding safety, security and working conditions. Against this backdrop, how can the industry convince seafarers to stay in the industry and, more importantly, inspire the next generation to choose a career in maritime.

Moderator: Guy Platten, Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping


Gerardo Borromeo, CEO, Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Philippines

Nicholas Makkar, SVP Maritime Administration, International Registries, USA

Deena Richardson, A/Director General. Fleet and Maritime Services, Canadian Coast Guard, Canada

Carl-Johan Hagman, CEO, NYK Europe and Chief Executive JSA Europe District Branch, Japan

Julia Fields, Executive Director, Canadian Marine Careers Foundation, Canada


Questions for Consideration

  • What progress has been made since the ground-breaking Seafarer 2050 conference in June last year?
  • What commitment is the sector making to address critical social issues, prioritise employee well-being and employment conditions, and accelerate and champion diversity and inclusion?
  • What needs to be done to accelerate the pace of change?
  • How can we build a flexible industry to be able to meet challenges and take advantages of future opportunities?


17:00-17:25       Closing Plenary: Outcomes and Next Steps – Resilience by Design

This session will focus on distilling practical outcomes from the discussions held during the day and confirm Summit outcomes and next steps.

Questions for Consideration

  • What has been said and what are the practical next steps?
  • What is missing in the current trade landscape that should be addressed?

Moderator: Mark Robson, Co-Founder and Managing Director, LEAP Strategy Partners, Canada


Gerardo Borromeo, CEO, Philippine Transmarine Carriers, Philippines

John Denholm, Chairman and Chief Executive, J. & J. Denholm Ltd, UK

Chad Lesch, Senior VP Strategic Projects, Crisis 24, USA

Paula Vieira, Director General, Environmental Policy, Transport Canada, Canada


17:25              Closing Comments

Emanuele Grimaldi, Chairman, International Chamber of Shipping


17:30               Networking Reception, sponsored by International Registries


18:30               Close of Conference