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Our mission for Shaping the Future of Shipping

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The Shaping the Future of Shipping: Delivering a Net Zero World is a major cross-industry event that will be held during the UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai. Organised by a coalition of leading maritime industry bodies and coordinated by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) in partnership with the Emirates Shipping Association, the leading maritime event will be hosted under the patronage of the United Arab Emirates Ministry for Energy and Infrastructure on 10th December at the Museum of the Future.

The day-long maritime value chain summit will address key strategic issues in shipping’s rapidly evolving decarbonisation journey and showcase its efforts to decarbonise and deliver a sustainable and equitable future for industry and the wider energy value chain.

The Shaping the Future of Shipping: Delivering a Net Zero World event presents a major opportunity for industry leaders to meet and discuss with government representatives, regulators and policymakers at the negotiations, and to seek the high-level political support needed to ensure progress of the industry’s decarbonisation activities.

Shipping transports more than 80% of the world’s trade and currently carries a third of the world’s energy supplies. In a decarbonised future shipping is expected to transport up to 50% of new green fuels around the world acting as an enabler for governments and other industries to achieve their own decarbonisation targets.

Shipping cannot act in isolation and requires the support of governments to ensure it has an appropriate regulatory environment in which to operate in order to facilitate and de-risk shipping’s, and the world’s, energy transition.

Shipping is instrumental to global decarbonisation: without the ships to transport sustainable fuels and without the fuel to decarbonise shipping, there can be no global energy transition.

What to expect

Concept image – Museum of the Future – Photography, Museum of the Future, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Shaping the Future of Shipping will…

  • Provide a flagship point of contact for the shipping industry at COP28 to showcase its leadership on decarbonising the industry to the COP28 delegates.
  • Address key strategic issues in shipping’s rapidly evolving decarbonisation journey.
  • Draw in influential stakeholders including high-level policymakers, government and industry representatives, leaders of international organisations and regulators who are attending COP28, including the Secretary General and Secretary General elect of the International Maritime Organization.
  • Enable influential stakeholders to understand what shipping is doing to improve the sustainability of the industry and to set a clear direction of travel for the development of the regulatory environment, catalyse investment in people, unlock finance and R&D to accelerate the just transition towards a just and equitable net zero future.

The venue

The event will take place during COP28 at the Museum of the Future.

Museum of the Future – Photography, Museum of the Future, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 4/12/2022 Photo by Fritz John Asuro/TG Media Productions Images
Photo by Fritz John Asuro/TG Media Productions Images
Photo by Fritz John Asuro/TG Media Productions Images
Photo by Fritz John Asuro/TG Media Productions Images
